
I don’t like these words.
I prefer awake or aware.
It is dangerous to be happy if it means not being aware, not awake, and concerned about the dangers. 
Optimistic Jews ended up in the gas chamber, 
pessimistic ones at the Waldorf Astoria in New York.
Why are the Swiss safe? Because they are Paranoid.
If well-being is passive, it is dangerous.
If it includes awareness of dangers, it gives you more chances to survive.
The code for Mother is: Total Paranoia. This is why we are still alive. 
Remember the old Eastern saying that stated that if you want peace, you prepare for war? (See the Swiss model)
Well-being is the new Psychologic drug. 
I am for active well-being, which includes 
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare, knowing that nothing stays the same and that you might have to IMPROVISE.
«Becoming» is a succession of improvisation.
When you make plans, God Laughs!

The Wisdom of Scars

« Show me your scars. » 
This is the question asked when you arrive in heaven.
If you don’t have any, you must return to earth.
Make a list of your scars.
Own them; they are you.
How they transformed you is what matters.

Forget about AI

Forget about AI. Forget about Algorithms. Forget about binary computers. They are all obsolete. They are pre-quantum.

BQ: (Before Quantum) Like when the world was flat. This is old-age thinking. This is the OLD REALITY. Time does not go only in one direction. Space is bonded. A particle can be in two places at the same time and can go through solid walls. Crazy, right? Wait until you know more about Quantum physics!

Born in 1715

I was born in 1715 when Louis XIV died at the beginning of the 18th century. That makes me 309 years old. 

I still have all my head. My body follows but complains once in a while. 

In the past, we had armor. Now, we have exoskeleton avatars and artificial intelligence.

I can’t wait to enter the next century/world of Quantum.

To be anywhere, everywhere, all the time, all at once. 

It looks as if our old scientific reality is an illusion.

I love people who look for the truth; I am very suspicious of people who say they found it.

An Imaginary Future

Each generation has an imaginary future 

  • The war to end all wars: 1914
  • The United Nations 
  • The year 01: equality 
  • Napoleon’s Europe 
  • The New World 
  • Hitler’s Reich
  • Communism
  • The USSR
  • 18th century France
  • The Ottoman Empire

What is our today?

  • The end of capitalism as we know it
  • Victims vs oppressors
  • Racism against anyone who disagrees with you
  • Men vs women 
  • China dominates the world
  • Health politics
  • Global viruses/ vaccines 
  • Local answers
  • Sharing economy
  • Green Fascism
  • The disappearance of the middle class
  • The U curve 
  • Younging 
  • Robots 
  • Electric cars 
  • Mars 
  • No gender 
  • Universal salary at birth
  • Useful idiots democracy 
  • Woke
  • Cancel culture
  • Victims 

Intelligent people are not dangerous, but an army of anonymous irresponsible selfy kids who can only see the world through their cell phones, who want to impose their simplistic ideas and are ready to bully you into submission, represent the real danger our civilization is facing. 

What you cannot say controls you.  Political correctness? (Who decides what is correct?). No dialogue means no opening up to other people or ideas.

Their ideas are in a tin can: we don’t want to eat the same processed food from tin cans.  They replaced class struggle with racial struggle. It is the same can with a different label and the same taste. Isomorphism.

But we also have an imaginary past. We invent it and recreate it again and again.

The past?

The future?

But even the present is a matter of imagination. The Quantum law rules that perception is reality. Anticipation creates emotions and even permanently transforms, making our present fit our mental state.  Satisfaction depends on expectations.

Suppose I wanted to go to Boston College and was accepted to OXFORD.  I would be thrilled. But I would be unhappy if I tried to go to OXFORD and was admitted to Boston College.  This has nothing to do with Boston College but with my expectations. 

Neurosis is the distance between your ideal self and your present self as perceived by you. If your ideal self is very close to your present self, you might be ok. But you are miserable if your ideal self is far from your present self. If you are a footman and become a butler, you are happy, but if you are a footman and want to become the Lord, you are very unhappy. 

The problem is not who you are or what level you are in, but the distance between your ideal self and your perceived self.

The French live in heaven but think they are in hell because they know what is supposed to be perfect and cannot get it, so they end up in St. Helena.

Quantum Creativity

Everything was fine, every detail was perfect, everything was on schedule, and then … I did not get the contract.

Nothing was working; the taxi was late and then broke down; I forgot my documents; I was not dressed as I should have; I had no coffee; I was tired and upset, and then … I got the contract.

Quantum anticipation??

Each second is a new world.

The past does not exist. 

Always be your future, not your past, even your last minute or second.  Always be you in the future. 


Every moment is a new beginning, a new life.

Let your future pull you out of your past/ present, dead boring old you.

Anticipation in the binary linear world has only two possibilities.  Quantum anticipation is illimited.

You can go anywhere, any time, all the time.

How do you anticipate a surprise?  By being openly available and nonjudgemental.  Just learn to improvise!  Let the surprises surprise you!  Be creative in the moment. 

Listen to your Banana* just came out of nowhere to perfectly express my thoughts.

This is Quantum creativity.


* This is the title of my new book.

Choose Life

I don’t want a long, healthy, boring life. 

No Gluten

No Fat 

No Meat 

No Sugar 

The above all means No Taste

No Cigars 

No Whiskey 

No Sex Please, We’re British (a play written by Alistair Foot and Anthony Marriott, which premiered at the Strand in London)

It all means NO LIFE!

Some people are dead; we just forgot to tell them.

Why do you want to live longer if your life is boring, with no fun, pleasure, sugar, gluten…, or taste? 

When your life is exciting, you cannot die.

When your life is boring, you are already dead. 

Death is an attitude. Happy is a choice.

A friend of mine was enjoying a great life. Three girlfriends, whiskey and cigars, a lot of food, a lot of sex, but he was overweight. So he went to see his doctor. 

Jim, you cannot keep living this way. You are going to die. You have to change your lifestyle; you must exercise, follow a diet, no alcohol, no cigars, lose weight, go down to one girlfriend, don’t stay up all night dancing and drinking, and go to bed at nine. 

Okay, Doc. I will.

He followed all the rules imposed by his doctor. 

He became skinny, healthy, and sober. 

He had a beautiful waistline and beautiful skin. 

A few days later, he was hit by a truck and died.

The doctor was right when he said, «You are going to die.»

Choose life!

We are all going to die … anyway!

So let’s have a beautiful, sexy, unhealthy Rye Manhattan and enjoy life. 

Life is too good.

I don’t have time to die!

Let’s Become Quantum Creators

Everything is in our minds.  There are consequences to how you feed your mind. 

We should be grateful not for what is happening to us now but for what will happen in our future, the new future we are creating now! 

Yes, thanks; I am grateful for what is going to happen next.

We are quantum creators.  Let’s give thanks for this incredible potential we all have.  Let’s feed our minds with greatness, compassion, genius, love, awareness, and generosity, and let this become our new self, our new collective future.  Let’s create it in our minds and then make it happen.

Too many people are in survival mode.  We need to move this world to the Quantum Creator mode.

I want to thank and express my gratitude to everyone worldwide who is showing the way.

There is a new world inside each of us; let’s give birth to it.

Life is not Short

Life is fast.

You have to be fast to catch up, or you will always be late and arrive when you are already gone.

It is a race between who you are and want to be.

Don’t just be yourself; be the one you want to be. 

The one in front of you who is winning the race. Never look back.

There is « has-been» but also « will be.»

You are your future.

The New Quantum Generation

They are our children, but they are from another planet. They need an operating manual with new maps, rules, principles, and a new way of thinking because they are landing in a completely different world, The Quantum world. This is why I call them the QUANTUM GENERATION.

It is not just a classic rebellion against the former generation. It is a metamorphosis, the Chrysalid.

It becomes a butterfly and can fly, looking at us, still crawling on the ground. 

They are in different universes, a world of multiple universes, parallel universes.

The old generation has two significant handicaps in the way they think. They are using old glasses to look at reality and everyday life.

The first is their BINARIAN perspective. 

You are either a winner OR a loser

Rich OR poor, friend OR enemy. 

This ancient philosophy comes from Mani, who invented Manichaeism in the 3rd century BC. Life became simple. You are good OR bad. The universe is made of opposite forces: good forces and evil forces. So, we have God Or the Devil.

Heaven OR Hell, Male OR female.

The dialectic never gives birth to the synthesis (sorry, Mr. Hegel).

This « Cosmogony » ruled the world for several thousands of years, leading us to two World Wars, millions of dead, and two atomic bombs.

« Science » (I mean binary science) gave us dumb computers. Einstein said they are dumb; they only give you answers. These dumb computers created artificial stupidity, giving us « scientific, » answers to wrong questions.

The second handicap is linear thinking. 

Always look at causes before consequences, as the past creates the present in that order and laws that can predict the future. Descartes gave us the separation of mind and body, and Newton gave us the Laws of motion and Newton’s mechanics.

Of course, some « crazy » people started questioning this reasoning, but they were immediately labeled as crazy. 

Time is relative, said Einstein, the twin experiment. The shortest way between two points is not a straight line?

And many mystics or poets were relegated to pre-scientific thinking, having smoked too much. 

Since the beginning of the 20th century, a group of Crazy scientists have explored the Quantum world. 

Today, Quantum computers can answer questions in 100 seconds, taking regular computers years. 

It is time to stop looking at Mystics and poets as « crazy. » They might just have been ahead of their time. 

The Quantum generation is bridging the gap between them and our future. 

Soon, I will give you the first elements of the Quantum Generation Operating Manual.

Stay connected.