Let’s Become Quantum Creators

Everything is in our minds.  There are consequences to how you feed your mind. 

We should be grateful not for what is happening to us now but for what will happen in our future, the new future we are creating now! 

Yes, thanks; I am grateful for what is going to happen next.

We are quantum creators.  Let’s give thanks for this incredible potential we all have.  Let’s feed our minds with greatness, compassion, genius, love, awareness, and generosity, and let this become our new self, our new collective future.  Let’s create it in our minds and then make it happen.

Too many people are in survival mode.  We need to move this world to the Quantum Creator mode.

I want to thank and express my gratitude to everyone worldwide who is showing the way.

There is a new world inside each of us; let’s give birth to it.

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