The New Quantum Generation

They are our children, but they are from another planet. They need an operating manual with new maps, rules, principles, and a new way of thinking because they are landing in a completely different world, The Quantum world. This is why I call them the QUANTUM GENERATION.

It is not just a classic rebellion against the former generation. It is a metamorphosis, the Chrysalid.

It becomes a butterfly and can fly, looking at us, still crawling on the ground. 

They are in different universes, a world of multiple universes, parallel universes.

The old generation has two significant handicaps in the way they think. They are using old glasses to look at reality and everyday life.

The first is their BINARIAN perspective. 

You are either a winner OR a loser

Rich OR poor, friend OR enemy. 

This ancient philosophy comes from Mani, who invented Manichaeism in the 3rd century BC. Life became simple. You are good OR bad. The universe is made of opposite forces: good forces and evil forces. So, we have God Or the Devil.

Heaven OR Hell, Male OR female.

The dialectic never gives birth to the synthesis (sorry, Mr. Hegel).

This « Cosmogony » ruled the world for several thousands of years, leading us to two World Wars, millions of dead, and two atomic bombs.

« Science » (I mean binary science) gave us dumb computers. Einstein said they are dumb; they only give you answers. These dumb computers created artificial stupidity, giving us « scientific, » answers to wrong questions.

The second handicap is linear thinking. 

Always look at causes before consequences, as the past creates the present in that order and laws that can predict the future. Descartes gave us the separation of mind and body, and Newton gave us the Laws of motion and Newton’s mechanics.

Of course, some « crazy » people started questioning this reasoning, but they were immediately labeled as crazy. 

Time is relative, said Einstein, the twin experiment. The shortest way between two points is not a straight line?

And many mystics or poets were relegated to pre-scientific thinking, having smoked too much. 

Since the beginning of the 20th century, a group of Crazy scientists have explored the Quantum world. 

Today, Quantum computers can answer questions in 100 seconds, taking regular computers years. 

It is time to stop looking at Mystics and poets as « crazy. » They might just have been ahead of their time. 

The Quantum generation is bridging the gap between them and our future. 

Soon, I will give you the first elements of the Quantum Generation Operating Manual.

Stay connected.

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