Les Detours Toujours

Le temps est intemporel

L’espace vide et

L’énergie une vie qui fuit 

À l’infini 

Il faut contourner les détours 

Effacer les souvenirs

Se gaver de peurs ancestrales

Pour réanimer la flamme qui nous brûle, torture insoumise de l’inexorable destin d’un matin incertain

d’une spirale sans fin, d’un amour enfantin qui meurt dans ma main, comme la rose de Ronsard.

Marâtre nature, ça fatigue d’être humain, dès le matin et d’y croire jusqu’au soir

Pour ensuite abandonner l’espoir. Portant il faut y croire et recommencer comme Sisyphus.

Je ne sais pas qui a écrit le scénario, mais il n’a pas essayé de s’échapper. 

Pouvoir s’envole au-dessus des vagues sans chercher à résoudre les problèmes des autres, sans vouloir sauver 

le ciel de la tempête, les vagues du vent, les plages du plastic, les dauphins des filets. 

Le meilleur des mondes est dans ma tête, alors j’y retourne;

Pour l’instant…

Le vin et les livres

Les livres sont comme les vins.

Il y a ceux qu’il faut consommer toute de suite, le beaujolais nouveau et ceux qu’il faut attendre qu’ils mûrissent et s’affirment comme une femme dans la fleur de l’âge comme les Château Beychevelle.

Un livre que l’on lit qu’une fois n’est pas un livre plaisir.

Une fois que l’on a goûté un Romanée-Conti on en reveut 

Il y a des livres qu’il faut savoir attendre, espérer désirer jusqu‘au moment où ils éclosent et livrent tous leurs parfums 

Un vin qui à cent ans n’est pas un vin à boire mais un vin à écouter. Son histoire d’abord puis sa vie récente comme une renaissance.

Le livre n’est pas sa couverture, comme le vin n’est pas son étiquette.

Les femmes passent beaucoup de temps à s’habiller pour qu’on ait envie de les déshabiller.  Il faut déshabiller les livres et déshabiller les vins.

Il faut ouvrir la bouteille en avance pour laisser le vin s’oxygéner. Je fais de même avec mes nouveaux livres. Il faut qu’ils s’imprègnent de la Zeigeist. Il faut qu’ils se fassent désirer, car le désire c’est déjà le plaisir.

La vie est merveilleuse quand on peut apprécier un livre, un vin, et une femme que l’on aime.

Quand mes amis

Quand mes amis me fuient

Il reste là, lui 



À me regarder 

Sans bruits;

Parce qu’il a tout compris

Lui qui ne dit rien 

Mais qui sent tout

Et qui n’a pas besoin de lire 

Pour savoir

Pour voir 

Dans l’ombre des décombres

De mes pensées 


Les fleurs de mon âme

Qui se fane.

Alors il vient poser sa patte sur la mienne 

Comme pour me faire une infusion de vie 

Une transfusion d’espoirs abandonnés 

Qu’il a récolté 

Sur mes chemins;


Le long de mes randonnées 


Un jour 

Tu vas aussi me quitter 

Pour t’enfuir

Au paradis des chiens 

Plus humains que les humains

Mais je sais que tu te réincarneras dans Pune autre boule de poils

Pour me montrer le chemin

D’une vie de chien

Toi mon maître 

À sentir.

À trop penser

On tue la pensée à trop cogiter 

On oublie de respirer

À trop mijoter son cassoulet de contradictions préférées, on finit par bouffer des restes de clichés avariés, de vieilles pensées momifiées, de tentatives avortées et oubliées au musée des échecs de la cuisine mentale. 

Il faut créer, chaque jour repousser l’impossible, s’échapper de soi pour rencontrer l’être futur l’inconnu que je serai demain et qui peut encore m’étonner, me surprendre et donne la flamme en se consumant sur le chemin du futur éclaire  le chemin de mon destin.


Écrire comme on respire 

Parce que la vie n’est rien sans le souffle de l’écriture.

C’est le bruit de la plume sur le blanc vierge du destin.

C’est le papier que l’on tourne en un battement de cœur, qui vous séduit ou vous brouille.

Que l’on caresse, chérie un instant et que l’on jette de dépit et d’impuissance.

Parce que les mots vous échappent comme l’eau dans la paume entre les doigts crispent du chagrin.

Mais quand la lumière sonne à la porte et les pages s’éclairent, c’est le souffle qui revient, douce et amère, impatient, arrogant.

Parce qu’il sait que l’écriture c’est la vie 

et sans lui la vie ne vaut rien.

The first examples of quantum marketing

How Quantum laws definitively change our marketing approach.


  • The Uncertainty principle (Heisenberg): you cannot know for sure where a particle is if you know its velocity (movement).
  • Look at brands not in terms of their image and position today but in terms of movement, direction, velocity, and future. This can apply to Tesla as well as Cartier. How is your brand moving?
  • We don’t need brand managers but brand pilots, or quantum pilots, to guide your brand in the new quantum reality of multiple universes.


  • Superposition. Quantum computers are already capable of this. They don’t function like old yes or no computers but respect the quantum law of yes AND no, and more. What is your brand’s Superposition, not just position? What are the elements of the YES as well as the NO?


  • Everything is connected: The Zeitgeist. 
  • How is the expected collective unconscious modifying your brand identity, and creating new unconscious needs that your brand could address and own? 
  • How are smartphones connected to teen suicides? Misusing the term vaccine to deal with COVID has created a new strong resistance to classic medicine, science, and vaccination. 


  • Entanglement occurs when two particles combine to form a unity of complementary movement. Even if we separate them, they are instantaneously connected, even if one is in New York and the other in Tokyo. Knowing one tells you exactly what the other is doing. This is a new way to look at co-branding. 
  • First, we need to entangle them. 
  • Second, we separate them. 
  • The moving one will move the second instantaneously. Think watches and tennis players, coffee and movie stars. 


  • Quantum Brand Analysis. 
  • Quantum is the new reality. Use Quantum glasses to better understand your brand, products, and customers. Discover your brand as an « influencer » in a Quantum world. 
  • Quantum X-ray. Discover the questions to ask. Einstein said: « Answers are easy; questions are difficult . »
  • Quantum glasses to allow you see new surprising questions.

Your brain is not in charge

Your brain is not in charge. It is not the boss. You are!

You should always be giving instructions to your brain. Stop spinning on the hamster wheel of regrets and the past. Ask for what you want, and never forget your future.

You are the placebo. Your mind and body are one, but they are also one with their environment. 

Be selective, be demanding, and be creative. You are what you eat and think about, the music you listen to, the colors surrounding you, the people you speak to, the animals, the flowers, the painting you are looking at, and your dog licking your face. They are all you. What is outside is also inside. 

Everything is connected, and the result is YOU.

Be the designer, the painter, and the choreographer of your everyday life.

You are a QUANTUM creator, the quantum creator of your life. 

Who are you becoming today

  • To think positive is not enough.
  • You are the placebo. 
  • Every day, give instructions to your brain. Your brain is a tool, not the master.
  • You can un-memorize or de-imprint to stop repeating the past; new psychotherapy.
  • You are not who you are (which is what you were), but you are what you are BECOMING. 
  • Resentment, Regrets, etc., wastes your energy. 
  • You are energy in action. You need focus, intention, direction, and higher purpose. 
  • Success means coherence between strong, powerful emotions and a clear objective and intention.
  • You can be ahead of yourself.
  • The brain does not see the difference between emotions from an actual situation or from what you imagine. 
  • You can learn the right move in tennis or golf by rehearsing and repeating it in your mind. 


  • You are movement and energy.
  • You can change your past because the past does not exist and is a constant recreation in your brain. See The Invention of Memory by Israel Rosenfield.
  • There is no contradiction between matter and spirit. They are one.
  • Mystics and Scientists are saying the same thing. They are both the foundation of Quantum Psychology. See Fritjof Capra’s The Tao of Physics.
  • Quantum Psychology reconciles and integrates Freud, Jung, Carlos Castaneda, Heisenberg, Einstein, Schrödinger, and all the Quantum physicists.
  • Quantum Creativity creates moments of eternity when you are out of time and space.
  • Quantum Psychology completely changes your relationship with your body. 
  • You can create new mental connections which become the new you. 

In old psychology, I want to know what you think about me.  In Quantum Psychology, I want to know what you think about me, how you feel about me, and what you think I think about what you think about me, which is endless. This is the awareness of this endless spiral that looks like it stops, but in Quantum Psychology, it never stops. R.D. Laing from the Tavistock Institute in London was the first one to describe this. My first book, published in 1972, is about him. He was one of the pioneers of Quantum Psychology.

It was because of my first book that I was invited to teach a class on Wisdom of Madness and Antipsychiatry at Thomas Jefferson College in 1975.  

Who are you BECOMING today? 

Never forget to be crazy! 

The Code

Once you know the code, you understand why people do what they do, and how best to appeal to their reptilian needs.

The code is the access to the structure of the forces that organize a culture; the way we think and function.

The code is like the combination of a safe’s lock. If you have all the numbers, but not the proper order, you cannot open the door.

Cultural codes are unconscious. Bringing the codes into awareness – decoding them – can illuminate people’s psyche and help explain why we are the way we are.

“Why people do what they do?  This is the aim of the system.”

LISTEN TO YOUR BANANA: The coming of the Quantum Parallel Universes 

  • The quantum computer
  • Indian CEOs
  • The coming of INDIA 
  • It works, but we don’t know how it works 
  • Spooky action at a distance 
  • The Wisdom of Madness
What if we just had the wrong glasses or lenses for centuries?  It has become apparent that we need to learn how to think QUANTUM.
  • Throw away the old glasses.
  • Stop being binairian.
  • Stop linear thinking.
  • Eliminate all dogma.
  • Be aware that science aims to increase your anxiety as you move from a hypothesis to a new hypothesis that explains why the previous one was a mistake. 
  • Time, Space, and Energy must be reconsidered.
  • Time goes in all directions; consequences can occur before the cause.
  • Space is curved.
  • The universe is empty.  Only energy exists.
  • Our reality is an illusion. 
  • The observer effect.
  • Objectivity is impossible. 
  • The uncertainty principle.
  • Only probabilities. 
  • Everything exists already. 
  • Complementarity instead of opposition.
  • Everything is connected. 
  • Mind and body are one.
  • Yes – No – Yes and No- and a lot more. We have yet to explore the MORE.
  • Quantum thinking is more.
THE BIG STEP: The reintegration of:
  • Mysticism
  • Archetypes 
  • Paranormal
  • Madness 
  • Jung
  • Einstein
  • Artists 
  • Poets 
  • Hidden forces 
We are in the Stone Age of discovering the Quantum parallel universes. This is the very beginning of a new age. How many geniuses have been put in mental health hospitals because we had the wrong glasses?