1. Your Brand Diagnostic: Free of charge.
2. Discover Your CODE: Ten imprinting sessions: $35,000 per session plus expenses. This is not research; it is discovery. Once you know your code, it lasts for several generations—see the Jeep code.
3. Culture Codes** We have culture codes for major markets: USA, China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Korea, and most of Europe (including Germany, France, the UK, Spain, Italy, and more).
- 2-hour online presentation:** $30,000
- Half-day workshop with your team:** $49,000 plus travel expenses if conducted in situ.
4. Global Code** Learn how to become a successful global brand. We have successfully completed projects for major companies such as ALLIANZ, and they became the number one global brand, as well as for Merck, LG, Chiquita Banana, and others. We begin with the question: « If I had all the answers, what would your questions be? » Then, we select the most important market for you. For example, we worked with LG in China, India, Russia, and Spain, and went to the USA, Brazil, Japan, England, and Germany for the PT Cruiser. The process starts with 10 imprinting sessions in the US, followed by 3 sessions in each of the three additional critical markets outside the US. Cost varies depending on the markets.