In 2023, Indigo (an Indian company) purchased Five hundred (500) A32 Airbus planes, the largest single purchase agreement in the history of commercial aviation. But this is not all. In the same year, 2023, Air India ordered Two-hundred twenty (220) Boeing and Two-hundred fifty 250 Airbus planes. Together, this is close to 1000 aircrafts ordered! WOW!!!
The second indicator is that the Indian population is now bigger than China’s.
The third indicator is that this is the largest democracy in the world.
The last indicator is that they all speak three languages, including English.
But more than anything else, this is the Indian Culture that will make the difference. I will tell you more about why the Indian culture is Quantum. Quantum thinking is what will give them an advantage over other cultures.
Quantum India will beat Binary Linear China.
I will keep you posted.