I don’t want a long, healthy, boring life.
No Gluten
No Fat
No Meat
No Sugar
The above all means No Taste
No Cigars
No Whiskey
No Sex Please, We’re British (a play written by Alistair Foot and Anthony Marriott, which premiered at the Strand in London)
It all means NO LIFE!
Some people are dead; we just forgot to tell them.
Why do you want to live longer if your life is boring, with no fun, pleasure, sugar, gluten…, or taste?
When your life is exciting, you cannot die.
When your life is boring, you are already dead.
Death is an attitude. Happy is a choice.
A friend of mine was enjoying a great life. Three girlfriends, whiskey and cigars, a lot of food, a lot of sex, but he was overweight. So he went to see his doctor.
Jim, you cannot keep living this way. You are going to die. You have to change your lifestyle; you must exercise, follow a diet, no alcohol, no cigars, lose weight, go down to one girlfriend, don’t stay up all night dancing and drinking, and go to bed at nine.
Okay, Doc. I will.
He followed all the rules imposed by his doctor.
He became skinny, healthy, and sober.
He had a beautiful waistline and beautiful skin.
A few days later, he was hit by a truck and died.
The doctor was right when he said, «You are going to die.»
Choose life!
We are all going to die … anyway!
So let’s have a beautiful, sexy, unhealthy Rye Manhattan and enjoy life.
Life is too good.
I don’t have time to die!