1. Your Brand Diagnostic: Free of charge. 
2. Discover Your CODE: Ten imprinting sessions: $35,000 per session plus expenses. This is not research; it is discovery. Once you know your code, it lasts for several generations—see the Jeep code. 
3. Culture Codes** We have culture codes for major markets: USA, China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Korea, and most of Europe (including Germany, France, the UK, Spain, Italy, and more). 
  • 2-hour online presentation:** $30,000  
  • Half-day workshop with your team:** $49,000 plus travel expenses if conducted in situ.
4. Global Code** Learn how to become a successful global brand. We have successfully completed projects for major companies such as ALLIANZ, and they became the number one global brand, as well as for Merck, LG, Chiquita Banana, and others. We begin with the question: « If I had all the answers, what would your questions be? » Then, we select the most important market for you. For example, we worked with LG in China, India, Russia, and Spain, and went to the USA, Brazil, Japan, England, and Germany for the PT Cruiser. The process starts with 10 imprinting sessions in the US, followed by 3 sessions in each of the three additional critical markets outside the US. Cost varies depending on the markets. 

The Wrong Word Can Kill You

The wrong word can kill you!
The Unabomber killed the Timber Association of California President.
Because the word TIMBER means killer.
This is what « killers » say when they kill a tree
The presidents of Harvard and MIT lost their jobs because they used the wrong word: CONTEXT. 
How do you feel about the Holocaust? 
It depends on the context. Thank you, but you are fired!
The background is necessary:
You don’t see a white dot on a white background.
It is called the Zeitgeist. 
Today, everybody speaks of NESTLE and its «scientific» water, meaning it is no longer so pure and natural. 
What about IRRIGATION?
What are the words that should NEVER be associated with WATER?
You better know if you don’t want to lose your job 
(Harvard) or be killed (Timber). 
You don’t succeed because you are honest and work hard.
You succeed because you are ON CODE.

Forget about AI

Forget about AI. Forget about Algorithms. Forget about binary computers. They are all obsolete. They are pre-quantum.

BQ: (Before Quantum) Like when the world was flat. This is old-age thinking. This is the OLD REALITY. Time does not go only in one direction. Space is bonded. A particle can be in two places at the same time and can go through solid walls. Crazy, right? Wait until you know more about Quantum physics!

The Quantum Revolution

If there is a consensus, it’s that there is no consensus. It works, but we don’t know how it works. There is no certainty in Quantum.

How do we deal with « uncertainty? »

Well, maybe our « certainty » was an Illusion.

We never explore the REAL reality, only our overly simplistic mental reassuring binary and linear illusion.

The Quantum generation is the new pioneer. They have to navigate with no instruments, map, or certainty. This is what is exciting! To go where no one else has gone before, yes, this is risky, but not to go is more risky or riskier.

We cannot keep denying the REAL reality for too long. Even if we accept that this might be just a temporary REAL reality.

Infinitely small might be the new glasses we need to understand that the universe is expanding, that the sun will one day stop burning, that time goes in all directions, and that we might be in parallel universes simultaneously.

« Spooky, » said Einstein.

We need new minds, glasses, quests, and passion for this fascinating new universe.

One day, we might wonder what took us so long to get rid of the old chains.