The wrong word can kill you!
The Unabomber killed the Timber Association of California President.
Because the word TIMBER means killer.
This is what « killers » say when they kill a tree
The presidents of Harvard and MIT lost their jobs because they used the wrong word: CONTEXT.
How do you feel about the Holocaust?
It depends on the context. Thank you, but you are fired!
The background is necessary:
You don’t see a white dot on a white background.
It is called the Zeitgeist.
Today, everybody speaks of NESTLE and its «scientific» water, meaning it is no longer so pure and natural.
What about IRRIGATION?
What are the words that should NEVER be associated with WATER?
You better know if you don’t want to lose your job
(Harvard) or be killed (Timber).
You don’t succeed because you are honest and work hard.
You succeed because you are ON CODE.