In my four-world theory, which I presented at Thomas Jefferson College in 1975, I explained that people who are NORMOTICS or normal neurotics just fit other people’s expectations. They are in the FIRST WORLD. They are cool, don’t ask questions, and take things at face value. Metro, Boulot, Dodo, which means Subway, Work, and Sleep. 

But one day, they start asking the dangerous question: WHY? This is when they enter the second world. Why do I have to do that? What is the meaning of life? Why are some people rich and others poor? Why do people fight, steal, kill? Why do we have to suffer, to age, to die? Why, why, why?

The answer is. We don’t really know; there are several explanations, like original sin, entropy, grow or die, survival of the fittest, and « life is a bitch, and then you die. »

Some people can’t take it and see a shrink or a psychiatrist. They give you a sedative to sleep, and you return to being a Normotic, and stop creating problems. But if you don’t give up the WHYs, they can label you as crazy, insane, and dangerous. The old straight jacket is now replaced by chemicals, which make you a zombie. 

But some people don’t stop. Laing said, « If you want to become crazy, just be discreet. » At the time, Cooper even suggested that our mission was not to stop them but to help them in their journey through « madness. » What happens when they don’t give up? They enter another world.

In the second world, you are either crazy or sane, right or wrong, good or bad. This is how classic computers work. Binary. This is the “EITHER-OR” SECOND WORLD. Politicians will say: « You are either with us or against us.” Physics says you can be both, and I called it the Wisdom of Madness. My class on this subject always had a long line of students waiting to get in. Students were standing or sitting on the floor. They had to give me a bigger amphitheater every other week. This was confirmation that I was onto something. But at that time, I was just following my intuition. 

Several decades later, I started studying quantum physics. It was not just eye-opening; it was the discovery of a new world, a new reality that was always there and had incredible consequences not just for science but also for everyday life.

Today, we cannot function without computers or cell phones, but they are all based on the either-or vision of reality.

By contrast, Quantum computing is built on Quantum bits or Qubits, which can store zeros and ones. Quibits can represent any combination of both zeros and ones simultaneously. This is called superposition. 

You can be crazy and a genius simultaneously, and more. This is not limited to two. This is why I used to say EVERTYHING IS RIGHT AND WRONG SIMULTANEOUSLY; the THIRD WORLD. This « and MORE » is the Quantum field of infinite possibilities. Quantum computers can explore massive numbers of paths simultaneously, meaning they can do it much faster than classical computers. 

So, what does it mean in our everyday lives? There are two key concepts. The first one is SUPERPOSITION. We already know that to be warm in winter, you need several layers of clothing or a superposition of various materials. This is the same with every aspect of our life. Learning another language should never be limited to learning just one. You are not just learning French or Spanish. You are learning how to learn languages. So why stop at one? Then you can compare, and the structure of each language helps you better assimilate the other language. This is the SYNERGY of superposition. The second key concept. If you are a scientist, learn to play the Violin. Einstein played the Violin. Your model should be Leonardo da Vinci. 

We should always dedicate time to adding « layers » to our world. The inside and outside world. Follow your intuition, I should say your quantum intuition; if you are good at concentrating, you should learn the art of «flâner.» It means wandering around without a precise motive or intention. When you establish your to-do list, you should remember that nothing is challenging; to empty your mind is complex. The purpose of meditation is to take you to NOTHING. Because when you reach nothing, you get everything. Nothing and everything are in SUPERPOSITION.

And remember that the Quantum field is infinite. You are all those potentials at once and without limits. When you are in the first world, you have to fix the plumbing, buy some food, wash dishes, or go get the kids. You are in a survival mood. There is no time to explore the Quantum field.  To leave this program, you have TO BECOME, compared to the normal neurotics, insane. Remember Why? Why? Why?  Or shut up and eat your soup, go to work, bring money home, and watch TV.

But once you start questioning everything, you cannot stop—until you reach ILLUMINATION, the Aha! The moment when you open the door to the FOURTH WORLD.  Imagine an education program teaching you to always go beyond. Quantum Psychology tells you, you can simultaneously be a scientist and a mystic. Superstitious scientists in the Indian culture experience separate realities every day. Their culture prepares them to better understand the new quantum reality and to be the best CEOs of multi-cultural companies. 

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